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Shivanjali Saxena


Shivanjali is currently doing her Post Doc from New York University, USA. She joined PhD in 2014 directly after graduation. Her project was on assessing the role of NLRs in glioma angiogenesis. 


My Lab Experience 

“Life as a Ph.D. scholar has groomed me both personally and professionally. The challenges of learning and exploring a new field altogether enabled me to become a better researcher since; I had to start learning from the basics. The friendly and collaborative work culture made it easier for me to learn different techniques, utilize a multidisciplinary approach and further, apply it in my research work. The freedom provided by my supervisor to explore new concepts related to science helped me in understanding the process of problem identification and solution. My supervisor and the institute supported me in all my endeavors. I was always motivated to attend conferences and workshops of my interest. This enabled me to communicate science in an efficient manner. Further, I got promoted to get incubation at the institute for my start-up along with a fellowship for a year. The biggest achievement out of my doctoral experience was receiving an offer to pursue my post-doctoral research at the New York University, USA”

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